We Value Team Work

Talent Management

Having a relevant and commonly understood competency framework across your organisation is the foundation stone to effective talent management. Without this foundation and common language, how can you know what to look for in recruits, understand which areas to develop and plan for the future?

It forms the building blocks for job outlines, appraisal systems, performance conversations, and succession planning.

Competencies: part of the bigger picture

Simply having a framework and assessing your people against will not give you a 'talented organisation'. You need to access, interrogate, and act on the information you have and use it to plan your development activities, inform your succession planning and improve your performance review.

Online analytics

Our 360 system goes further than other online 360 tools. It contains a powerful and sophisticated Talent Analytics Engine which enables you to view and 'cut' the data you have in almost as many ways as you can think of.

Without this sort of functionality, your 360-degree review information is in danger of never being used to its potential.

With you as you develop

Faced with such a wealth of information, you may be apprehensive about starting out on this journey and not knowing where to start. We'll support you every step of the way as you learn more about your people and how to benefit your organisation.

If you would like to explore how your organisation's talent strategy can benefit from a fresh approach to development, please get in touch.